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Annual Contract Renewal

Contract renewals/rebids occur annually. The process starts mid-February, to ensure all contracts that coincide with the Fiscal Year are renewed or rebid so that a lapse in coverage does not occur. Contracts that do not renew according to the fiscal year are renewed approximately two (2) months prior to the end of their 12-month term.

The renewal/rebid process begins with an e-mail to the department head notifying him/her of the contracts that are up for renewal/rebid. The department head is to review the information and forward to appropriate people within his/her department for processing and preparation of requisitions to renew or rebid. This includes reviewing the renewal/rebid report to identify what contracts will be renewed and which will be allowed to end as well as completion of the contract assessment report as per state guidelines. Once the requisitions or do-not-renew reports are received in Procurement, the contract administrator reviews them and works, as needed, with the buyers and vendors to renew the contract including requesting approvals for any pricing and/or terms and conditions changes asked for by the vendor or working with the department if the vendor advises that they do not wish to renew.

Last updated: 8/10/2021