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eProcurement (ePro) is a module in PeopleSoft Financials that has a primary function of creating electronic requisitions and routing them for approval.

The GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace is an online catalog system that is accessed from PeopleSoft Financials. Through this online site, users can shop for contract items from a variety of state and institution-approved vendors, including Staples, Grainger, and Fisher Scientific.  It uses electronic purchase orders instead of the Procurement Card.

What are the benefits of eProcurement?

There are many benefits of ePro & GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace such as a quicker workflow for purchases and a reduction in the need for Purchasing Card (P-Card) use. Additional benefits include:

  • Reduction in paper forms routing through different offices
  • Online browsing and shopping for items
  • Comparison shopping
  • You only need one login to shop from multiple vendors
  • Faster routing for approvals

What is my role?

For most people that will be using ePro, one of three primary roles will be assigned by those within the department. Those roles are Shopper, Requester and Approver. The primary functions of these roles are described below.

Shoppers: These users select items in the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace and place them into shopping carts for their assigned Requesters.

Requesters: These users take the shopping carts created by Shoppers and turn them into ePro Requisitions. Requesters can also build their own shopping carts, just like Shoppers.

Approvers: These users are set up to approve ePro Requisitions. (The people who have budget authority.)

Last updated: 12/14/2020